Our school uniform stockists are;
Warrington Schoolwear
50-54 Buttermarket Street
Tel: 01925 576868
Touchline UK
Liverpool Road
Tel: 01925 413777
Non-logo items may be purchased from supermarkets or local stores, provided they comply with the uniform guidelines outlined in this policy.
Important: Insurance Notice
We recommend that parents/carers make their own arrangements for insurance of bags, clothing, watches, mobile phones, pens, and bicycles etc - usually by an extension of their home insurance.
In the interest of health and safety, students will not be permitted to wear pump style footwear. Pumps, canvas style shoes, Converse, Vans and High Tops are not acceptable and must not be worn.
Students are strongly advised to purchase and wear a gum shield when participating in activities such as hockey and rugby. When PE kit is brought into school, it must be carried in a school bag.
The Principal reserves the right to make the final decision on what is or what is not appropriate.