- All Academies' admissions arrangements are consistent with the School Admissions Code of Practice.
The Academy’s Admissions Policy reflects the fact that the Academy will be an inclusive school that brings together families from all backgrounds and makes an important contribution to community cohesion. It will aim to serve the whole community and will be committed to bringing people together from different cultural, religious and social backgrounds.
If your child currently attends secondary school or if your child is transferring from primary school to secondary school, to apply to Padgate Academy, you should follow the same procedures as applying for any other state funded school, through the local authority.
Please note that all admission enquiries and applications must be made via Warrington Borough Council and not the Academy directly.
You can view the Warrington Borough Councils admissions website by visiting https://www.warrington.gov.uk/secondary-admissions-information
Mid-Year Admissions
· For information on mid-year admissions, please visit https://www.warrington.gov.uk/year-transfers
School Admission Appeals Information
· For information relating to school admission appeals, including a timetable for school appeals, please click here.
Admission Policies
If you wish to discuss Admissions or any queries relating to this, please contact Miss Parkinson via the school contact page.
Admission Consultation 2026-2027
Admissions consultation 2026-27 Response Final