The Careers Leader at Padgate Academy is Mrs. J Leigh, who can be contacted on 01925 822632.
Through our robust CEIAG program at Padgate Academy, 98% of our students in the last Academic year progressed onto education or employment with training upon their graduation. A truly outstanding achievement!
We take our duty to provide students with high quality careers education, along with independent and impartial careers information, advice and guidance very seriously. It is essential in preparing our young people for their futures, whether it be university, employment or an apprenticeship.
Research has shown that good CEIAG can:
- Inspire young people to succeed in their careers.
- Increase motivation, leading to improved exam results.
- Improve decision making by increasing pupils’ knowledge of the world of work.
- Reduce young people’s anxiety about the future.
- Help to improve social mobility.
The Gatsby Benchmarks
The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools. Padgate Academy has planned and is developing its careers programme around them.
The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
CEIAG is delivered through the curriculum, during tutorial times, dedicated guidance meetings and accessed by all students throughout the year.
Independent Careers Adviser
Padgate Academy employs an independent careers adviser. Her main role is to hold individual careers meetings with Year 11 students, providing impartial information, advice and guidance. He also runs targeted group work focusing on aspirations and pathways with all other year groups.
All students are entitled to book appointments and our adviser targets specific groups of students (Pupil Premium, SEND, pupils referred by pastoral leaders and those identified by the RONI report provided by Warrington Borough Council).
Targeted Careers Guidance
Throughout the year, different cohorts of students are targeted based on their year group. The careers adviser is also available at all parents’ evenings and open evenings throughout the year.
September to February: All Year 11 students have a one-to-one interview with the careers adviser to discuss suitability of options for the following year, which includes consideration of possible future careers. Follow-up careers interviews are arranged in those cases where it is determined that students would benefit.
March to July: Year 10 groupwork takes place, looking at pathways including further education, apprenticeships & higher education. Targeted interventions also take place for students in Years 7, 8 and 9 aimed at raising aspirations and broadening horizons.
Certain cohorts of students are targeted at parents’ evenings, such as high level learners, early in their time at Padgate Academy.
Measuring the impact of the Padgate Academy careers programme
Padgate Academy completes the (CEC) Careers and Enterprise Company’s Compass benchmarking tool which evaluates careers provision against the 8 Gatsby benchmarks.
At the end of each academic year the findings from Student and parental surveys are used to measure the impact and inform planning for the following academic year.
Feedback is gathered form external providers and students following careers and enterprise events that take place throughout the academic year. Examples of this being the annual careers fair, HE/FE fair, Mock employment interviews, enterprise days and 1 to 1 guidance interview.
Destination data is used to inform future planning and to establish whether careers provision is offering the right advice and guidance and to ascertain whether students are making the right choices when moving into education, employment or training
NEET Prevention and Destination Data
Data is collected throughout the academy based on the intended destinations of Year 11 students. These are all reported to Warrington Borough Council. Students at risk of becoming NEET are identified very early on, using the RONI report, and these students are given priority appointments with our careers adviser and where necessary additional interventions.
Review Date: October 2023